Tuesday 2 October 2012

What is a Thriller Film?- Miss Georgiou

What is a Thriller Film?

There are a few generic conventions which make a film a Thriller, including camera shots and camera angles for example: high angle, zoom in/out, hand held and close ups so the audience can see an object from the characters point of view. There are also different paces of editing which can instantly change the effect of a scene, if there is fast cutting it can show chaos and panic. As well as camera shots and cutting there is also the low key/high key lighting according to the setting and also sounds which can show a different atmosphere which causes different kind of feelings and emotions within the audience. Another generic convention are weapons and iconography, and also if the villain has a hidden identity it makes a Thriller more tensed and uncomfortable to watch.
Finally there is always a theme throughout a Thriller whether it being a love triangle or envy thriller, also there is always a Target Audience which ranges between 15 and above which of whom are mainly male.

A Thriller film is a film which creates suspense within the audience throughout the whole entire film, it makes the audience feel uncomfortable throughout by the dark settings, slow or fat pace editing, non-diegetic sounds and diegetic sounds for example heavy breathing and screams.

Saw Opening Scene

In the opening sequence of Saw it starts off straight away with a generic convention of a Thriller film as we hear a non-diegetic sound which comes from the bath, this gets our attention straight away, after this we hear someone speak and as there is low-key lighting the character who is speaking has a hidden identity which is also generic to a Thriller as we can't see who it is, which causes tension. When the lights turn on we see a dead body which straight away is conventional to a Thriller as there has been a murder, there is also a close up shot on the dead body which we see from the characters point of view, it then zooms out so we get a view of the whole of the body which gives the audience an idea of how he got killed and maybe how the other victims may get killed. It is also a high angle shot which shows us the killer has a higher power then the victims which is also conventional to a Thriller film.

How does the opening sequence help to define the genre?

The opening sequence helps us to define the genre as it shows the audience all the main conventions to a Thriller film as soon as the film starts; we hear a natural spooky sound and there is low key lighting used which creates a tension as to where the noise is coming from. After the sound the character appears to be shocked which puts the viewer in an uncomfortable position, there is also a voice over but again the setting is full darkness so there's a hidden identity which will create a feel of suspense within the audience. Finally, in the same scene when the character turns the light on the first thing you hear are non-diegetic sounds for example: screams, gagging noises which will also cause tension within the audience and then we are shown a close up on a dead body which puts us in the characters point of view, deads bodies are also conventional to a thriller film and when the shot zooms out to show us the full body it gives the audience a clue as to how maybe the other characters will get murdered later on in the film.

How can you use the film to help you to plan your own Thriller film?

I can use how they have drawn the audience straight into the film by not showing us the main villian straight away, in my own Thriller film and also how they start with spooky noises in the dark which makes the audience tense. Also how they haven't shown you the murder and just a dead body which leaves the viewer wondering how the victim was murdered and who by, by keeping the villians identity hidden.

The Orphan Analysis

In the Orphan there are many varied generic conventions which makes it a Thriller film throughout. The film starts off with high key lighting whilst Esthers foster mum and dad are in the hospital and the mum  (kate) is about to have a baby, this makes the audience think straight away that something happy will happen but it doesn't, instead Kate has a miscarriage and then we find out it was just a nightmare which then again surprises the audience as they think it is really happening. This is conventional to a Thriller film as nightmares link to the psychological side to a Thriller. Throughout the scene the lighting and colours vary between high and low key lighting, there is low key lighting when the film goes back to the present time to show its no longer a happy time, this is also shown by the clothes worn as they are all dull and dark colours, also the sky is always grey and gloomy where as when there is a flashback the lighting is high-key the majority of the time and there are bright colours, these flashbacks can give the audience an idea as to why Esther is now mentally disturbed as they show the demons of the families past. This shows suspense and shock within the audience which disturbs them.

Another generic convention in the scene is when Esther holds a knife as she walks to her step dad which makes the audience think something bad like a murder is about to take place but there isn't. The strongest weapon in the film is Esthers twisted mind which is like a weapon of fear towards the victims especially her family, the use of weapons in this scene makes the audience uncomfortable as its scary how someone so young can have such a disturbed mind, especially how the Target Audience for The Orphan is 15+ it can disturb them as maybe some of the audience can relate towards it. Including the settings as the location is a home and there could be some viewers having family trouble which would then relate to them which could then make the audience feel uncomfortable.

Esther is a young, disturbed individual who is the main antagonist who goes back for revenge on her family, mainly her foster mum and other children because she is jealous or just for revenge. Female audiences can relate to this as her main victims are females, which in a generic convention to a Thriller film.

In this Thriller there is a lot of violence, physically and mentally which creates a lot of discomfort to the viewer by exposing psychological vulnerability as it exposes the evil behind normality which shocks the viewer especially how a small child can hurt people like she does.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of opening sequences shows a good understanding of what thriller codes and conventions are.

    You have identified the main points and you have also related your points to the examples well. To make your analysis more detailed you also need to consider the role of the themes, audience expectations, micro elements, shock, surprise and suspense
