Monday 15 October 2012

Individual Narrative- Miss Georgiou

Individual Narrative

My idea for a narrative for our thriller is about two teenage girls who have lost a friend in a car crash and after a year anniversary of her death and mysterious paranormal activity happening to them they both realize she is haunting them both and maybe blaming them for her death, the girls also see flashbacks of how she was killed even though they weren't there to witness it. Eventually one of the girls is possessed by their late friends spirit. During these scenes there will be shadows and low key lighting to create a suspense atmosphere which is conventional to a Thriller film.

There will be three different settings throughout the Thriller, they are an isolated school, a deserted forest and the friends house. When the girls find out they are both witnessing spooky paranormal activity it will be set in an isolated school toilets. Their friend was killed in a deserted forest lane and there was no trace of anything happening which creates mystery and shocks the audience as to why there is no trace of a murder and if there ever was an accident? The girls end up in their friends house where they experience some paranormal activity which leaves the audience tense as to what is going to happen. 

The Thriller will begin with a flashback of the car crash in a spooky, deserted and dark forest lane (low key lighting) which left a teenage girl dead, it will then cut to a split scene with two other teenage girls waking up in fear as they've had a nightmare which is the vision of their friend being killed. During this opening scene there will be low key lighting which will create an effect of a dim, creepy atmosphere, the non-diegetic sound of noises that come from the forest to add a dramatic effect within the audience and also diegetic sound of heavy breathing when the girls are having a nightmare and screams when they wake up in shock and fear this will create a tension within the audience and also are generic conventions towards a thriller.

The middle of the Thriller will consist of two different settings, the school toilets and the forest. During the middle of the Thriller there will be a scene in the isolated school toilets where the two girls start talking about their paranormal experiences and tell each other about the occurring nightmare they both keep having which is a flashback of their friends murder even though they weren't there to witness the accident which has made them more scared. There will be close up shots during these scenes to see the fear and shock in the girls faces which will create suspense within the audience. They end up agreeing they should visit the forest lane where their friend got killed which creates a tension within the audience in itself as they're visiting the scene of a murder which is conventional towards a Thriller as something bad would usually happen.
The girls are in the forest trying to find the spot where their friend was killed; they hear noises (non diegetic) and they decide to see where the noise is coming from, this creates a suspension. The sound they hear leads them to the lane where their friend was killed and then their friends ghost appears and says shes been blaming them for her death and that is why shes been haunting them through their dreams and if they don't find her killer she threatens them by showing them she'll hurt their family, (there will be faded shots and split scenes and close ups to show the audience the scene from the characters point of view).

The end of the Thriller the spirit of the girl possesses both of the friends which will make the audience uncomfortable, one of the girls who was possessed then dies which is conventional to a Thriller as there's always a murder. Meanwhile, the other friend was left in the forest on her own and was never seen again, this will be shown in the credits at the end.

The target audience for my Thriller will be 15 year olds and older as it will contain moderate violence when they're in the forest and won't be acceptable for younger viewers.

One advantage of my Thriller Narrative is ma narrative as it is conventional to a Thriller and has a few generic conventions throughout. A second advantage is that I have two female characters in my narrative which is another convention as it portrays females being innocent and vulnerable victims,  another advantage of my narrative is the setting of a Forest is conventional to a Thriller Film as it creates suspense within the audience but it may be too typical for a Thriller film and from our questionnaire the setting of a Forest was the forth favourite so we may have to take that into consideration and change it. A disadvantage is the car crash scene as it will be hard to create and won't create the shock and suspense to our Thriller Convention that we are hoping.

1 comment:

  1. Your individual narrative shows a good understanding of what a conventional thriller is and this is because you have considered the plot of your film in detail.

    To make this post more detailed you need to consider the role of your target audience in more detail and how they can build a relationship with your characters, by considering their representations
