Monday 8 October 2012

The Strangers Sound Analysis- Miss Georgiou

The Strangers Sound Analysis

Sound is used in Thriller films to create an understanding for the audience and to create more meaning about the character and their emotions. The editing of sound is also important in Thriller films when the sound speeds up and is louder its creates a tensed and panicked atmosphere, where as if Sound is quiet and at a slower pace it is a more calm atmosphere.
Sound is also used to create a response from the audience: to make them feel uncomfortable.

On screen sound is used in The Strangers when the girl character plays a record from in the kitchen when she makes a drink, the music from the record players pace speeds up when the girl sees the villains in her house which makes the audience tensed and uncomfortable as they have had experiences whilst watching other Thrillers which they can relate back to and know something will happen, there is also an on screen sound in The Strangers just after there has been a knock at the door and the girl sees smoke coming from the fire and the fire alarm goes off, this is also a tensed moment during the film as its just after the knock at the door so it makes the audience think that maybe the person who was at the door has done something to make the fire alarm go off and distract her.

There is also a non-diegetic sound in this clip of The Strangers when there is a knock at the door when the female character is on her own in the house, the knock gets louder and louder and more violent, you can see the female is hesititant and you also see the fear on her face, as the knock gets louder it brings suspense within the audience and also makes them scared and weak which is conventional to a Thriller film. The knock also makes the audience tensed as they can not see what it is behind the door, so there's a hidden identity which is also conventional to a Thriller.

There is an Off Screen Sound during the kitchen scene just after we see 'The Stranger' appear behind the woman when we can hear a door shut but cant see it, the female is very hesitant in whether she should investigate further into the noise which is conventional to a Thriller or if it is her boyfriend James, this makes the audience uncomfortable as we already know the villains already been in the house but she doesn't which is conventional to a Thriller as the girl is vulnerable.

An example of diegetic sound is also in this clip of The Strangers when there is a knock at the door;  and there is a close up shot of the girls face and you can hear her breathing heavily which shows that she is scared and vulnerable which is conventional to a Thriller film, this represents the audience being tense and makes them know something is going to happen to her which is also conventional to a thriller film as shes a girl alone in a house.


  1. Your analysis of the film shows some understanding of how the micro element is used within the thriller genre. You have identified the correct points and you have explained the examples well too.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to explain in more detail why that certain sound technique is used and then discuss how it is conventional to a thriller film in more detail.

    Also consider your sound point again with the non-diegetic sound of the knocks

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound analysis of the various sounds that were used in your chosen film scene above. You have identified the main sounds well and you have also started to consider the role of the audience too.
