Monday 19 November 2012

Risk Assessment- Miss Georgiou

Description of Hazard
Precaution of Hazard
Trailing leads whilst filming
Use gaffer tape to secure leads
Filming in a forest whilst dark
Use torches and stay in a group
Using a ladder to capture a high angle
Have someone support the ladder whilst the camera operator is at the top filming.
Shot of Evie consuming a pill
Ensure she consumes a pill which will not cause her any harm.
Use of matches whilst creating opening credits
Make sure there is nothing which is highly flammable around the area and also pay a lot of attention whilst carrying this action out

The main reason in why we create a risk assessment is to insure we know how to identify potential hazards that could come our way during our filming process and how we can prevent them. We wouldn't want anyone getting into any harm whilst filming for our Thriller especially if we can prevent this from happening. 

 Above is a chart showing how we will be taking precaution of any hazards that may come our way whilst filming our thriller. As a group we will use this to insure we will not come across any hazards throughout the filming process by following our precautions we have discussed to insure our group and actors feel safe whilst the filming process.


  1. You have made a start in describing why a risk assessment is essential and this is evident through your table above. But to show further understanding of this post, you need to discuss in further detail why a risk assessment is essential to carry out while filming

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound understanding of what a risk assessment is and how it is used
