Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Roles- Miss Georgiou

Production Roles

To have a professional production you need to require:  
  • Sound Technician-  They're required to assemble, operate and maintain the technical equipment used to record, amplify, enhance, mix or reproduce sound. They identify the sound requirements for a given task and perform the appropriate actions to produce this sound. Sound technicians of different types are required in a range of industries including film, broadcasting, live performance, advertising and audio recordings.
  • Camera Operator-  They are responsible for operating a variety of technical equipment including single and multiple portable, remote-control and electronic cameras, cranes for panning.
  • Actor/s- An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic or comic production and works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity.
  • Location Manager- The Location Manager is responsible for the finding and securing locations to be used. They are also the face of the production to the community and responsible for addressing the issues that may arise due to the production's impact on the community.
  • Storyboard Organizer- They are responsible to make sure the team/crew follow the storyboard step by step through the filming progress. 
  • Producer- A person, company who produces motion pictures
  • Production designer- Is a term used in the broadcasting industry to describe the person who is responsible for the look of the set.
  • Costume Designer- Is a term used in the broadcasting industry for the person who is responsible for the look of the actors/actresses on the set. 
  • Music Supervisor-  music supervisor is an individual who combines music and visual media.  A music supervisor is often responsible for managing a team of music directors working on any number of musical productions.
In our thriller production we won't have to allocate so many roles.These are the roles our Thriller film will require, these have been discussed within the group:

We have asked Evie and Billy to be actors in our thriller film as they both have acting experience and are willing to participate. We have decided as a group that Emma is most suited for the role as camera operator as she played this role for our preliminary task and the outcome proved successful. Also, we as a group have decided that Daisy should be film director because it would involve her working closely alongside the actors and she has a clear artistic view for our final outcome. Additional to this we have decided that I am the best person to take on the role as location manager because I am keen to secure good locations and I have a good eye for successful framing.Furthermore, there are three production roles of which all group members will be required to take on together: sound technician, editors and storyboard organiser. 
We are all sound technicians because we feel sound is an imperative element within our production therefore we all feel we should be involved.  

All group members are editors as the editing process will require all of our opinions as to which shot should follow from the next. The editing within a production is also key to whether it is successful or unsuccessful.

Lastly, we are all taking on the role as storyboard organiser because we all have differentiating visions therefore we find it important to include all of our ideas to create a successful final outcome. 


  1. You have explained the different group roles well and you have also considered the strengths of your group.

    Now you need to provide a definition of all the different production roles to show further evidence of the roles that are required for making a film.

  2. The definitions that you have included above, helps to show further understanding of the different production roles in the film industry
