Thursday 27 September 2012

Mise En Scene- Miss Georgiou

Paranormal Activity 

In Paranormal Activity there are varied aspects of Mise-en-Scene throughout the film. 
In this scene the character is just standing at the side of her bed staring at her boyfriend for hours until he notices, during this scene there are many things that represent Mise-en-Scene including the use of dull colour especially black which represents danger and gloom which is also a thriller convention and this could make the audience suspect something that could be happening.

Another aspect of mise-en-scene in this scene are the shadows, they are conventional to a thriller film as it makes the audience get the idea that something scary is about to happen as shadows are a generic convention to a Thriller as they bring suspense within the audience and are dark and mysterious, especially as the girl is standing there on her own looking mysterious and is also represented as vulnerable. 

Furthermore the shadows and colours both contrast as the characters bed and her are light where as the hallway and door are both dark which tricks the audience as you would suspect something bad would happen in the dark areas and it doesn't, the activity is happening to the girl who is in white which usually represents innocence but in this scene its the total opposite and represents the devil. She also doesnt look innocent as her fists are clenched and she is stood in a very menacing way.

There is a back light on the head board which is a convention to a Thriller, this makes us think the bed could be an important aspect in the scene and as we find out throughout the film more paranormal activity happens within the bed. 

The use of Iconography is very minimum in this scene except for the use of the lamp which is also conventional to a thriller film as in a majority of thrillers when the lamp starts to flicker something bad follows it but with this scene it doesn't. 



  1. Your analysis of mise-en-scene does not show enough understanding of how the micro element is used within a thriller film. This is because you have summaried the main areas instead of writing a detailed analysis on the five areas.

    To improve your analysis you need to analyse the five areas and write a detailed PEER paragraph to show your understanding further.

  2. You have made a start in making this analysis more detailed, but further discussion is needed on all the mise-en-scene points.

    To complete this task you need to watch the scene again and make detailed notes. Then use your notes to write your analysis.
