Thursday 27 September 2012

Camera Shot- Miss Frisendar

The Strangers

In the film The Strangers there are a range of different camera shots used throughout the film from close ups to panning. These shots are used to create tension within the audience, they are conventional to a thriller film so the audience can see whats happening from the characters point of view. 
A close up shot has been used when the villians face pops up through the curtain and scares the woman. The purpose of the close up shot of The Stranger is to create a dramatic effect within the audience. This is conventional to a thriller film as it shows a close up of the villain which makes it uncomfortable for the viewer as we see from the characters point of view. Close up is also used when the woman is on the phone to her boyfriend after he disappears which has the same dramatic effect as you can see the fear and vulnerability on her face. 
Panning is another camera shot that has been used during the film when the woman is standing in the kitchen and The Stranger just appears from behind her unexpectedly and she is completely oblivious to it and then he disappears. The purpose of panning is to scare the audience as they are not expecting it to  happen as there was no one there when they first show you the door and then the camera goes back to the door and he appears then disappears again. The speed of the camera is fast in this shot as it creates a tension and you know something will be there. This is conventional to a thriller film as it shows you the Stranger being there one second then the next he has completely gone which will leave the audience wondering where he has disappeared to and where he will pop up next. This also makes the audience uncomfortable as you sense something bad will happen later on in the film.
Another shot used during The Stranger is a hand held shot when the woman looks out of the window to see if anything is there, the purpose of this is to see it from her point of view which is conventional to a thriller film as the setting we are shown is dark and isolated which is stereotypical towards a Thriller fillm as thrillers are always set in an isolated place.

1 comment:

  1. You have correctly identified a range of camera shots that have been used in this clip, consequently, you are clearly familiar with when and how they are used. You must now however focus on the pace of editing with these shots; this is essential to understanding how the tension is built as the pace is dragged out with each shot.
