Wednesday 12 December 2012

Individual Storyboard- Miss Georgiou

Individual Storyboard

For our thriller opening scene, each group member created their own storyboards whilst following the group narrative to see each of our ideas as to what we think our Thriller opening may look like. Within the storyboard I had to incorporate what kind of shots I had in mind, the transitions between each shot, the lighting, if we were going to have diegetic or non-diegetic sound and what exact sound that would be, the location, characters with in that specific shot, iconography within the framing and finally how we would edit that shot once filmed. 
I also had to describe what editing styles we would use and how that would link to the Thriller conventions within that shot and think how the audience would feel whilst watching, for example with fast paced editing it would create a chaotic atmosphere which would make the audiences intensity levels rise as they would think something is going to happen. Also how specific lighting would help within that shot as well like Low-Key lighting creates shadows which would create mystery with in the audience and build up suspense. I have added these points into my storyboard as it would make the audiences experience better whilst watching our Thriller.
Creating an Individual Storyboard allowed me to present my ideas to the group and once they had done theres we could incorporate each others ideas and change them around to make a better idea and a better understanding of what we all want from our Thriller narrative.  

Here is my individual storyboard that I have created: 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of what storyboards are and how it is used within the planning stage of a production.
