Wednesday 12 December 2012

Individual Storyboard- Miss Georgiou

Individual Storyboard

For our thriller opening scene, each group member created their own storyboards whilst following the group narrative to see each of our ideas as to what we think our Thriller opening may look like. Within the storyboard I had to incorporate what kind of shots I had in mind, the transitions between each shot, the lighting, if we were going to have diegetic or non-diegetic sound and what exact sound that would be, the location, characters with in that specific shot, iconography within the framing and finally how we would edit that shot once filmed. 
I also had to describe what editing styles we would use and how that would link to the Thriller conventions within that shot and think how the audience would feel whilst watching, for example with fast paced editing it would create a chaotic atmosphere which would make the audiences intensity levels rise as they would think something is going to happen. Also how specific lighting would help within that shot as well like Low-Key lighting creates shadows which would create mystery with in the audience and build up suspense. I have added these points into my storyboard as it would make the audiences experience better whilst watching our Thriller.
Creating an Individual Storyboard allowed me to present my ideas to the group and once they had done theres we could incorporate each others ideas and change them around to make a better idea and a better understanding of what we all want from our Thriller narrative.  

Here is my individual storyboard that I have created: 

Editing Styles- Miss Frisendar

Editing Styles

Editing styles have a very important role when producing films. There are different styles of editing used for different aspects of the film, for example we use different transitions to flow into each shot to create a different meaning of what each scene is about. when wanting the film to create a tension we use fast paced editing, this makes the audience feel tense as we incorporate so much happening at the same time and it causes an sense of chaos and rises the audiences level of suspense, there is also slow paced editing which we use to show continuity of a scene.

Whilst we was designing our group storyboard we had to include what editing styles we wanted to use, including shots, angles and the transitions we wanted to use when changes scenes and settings, especially when we have a change of shot when the audience are led from the bedroom scene to the nightmare. We then had to discuss the pace of the editing, and where fast paced and slow paced editing would fit best. 

We have decided as a group to use slow paced editing during the house scenes which is conventional to a Thriller film as it increases the audiences intensity level a bit as they can sense something is going to happen. Whilst this is happening we are going to include straight cuts and smooth transitions between the actions of the actors, however we hope to include dissolve transitions when Billy and Evie fall asleep and the audience is being drawn into their nightmare. This is to help the audience know they are in a nightmare and they can then experience the nightmare from the actors point of view whilst watching.

Finally we have decided as a group we want to include fast paced editing during the nightmare in the forest scene as it will build tension and leave the audience on the edge of their seats as they should feel the chaotic atmosphere that the characters are experiencing during that scene. We would like to capture a variety of different shots from different angkes during the chasing scene especially a high angle shot from Billys' point of view to show he has the higher authority in this scene, this should enhance the audiences experience throughout the film and make them feel suspense and panic whilst engaging with the film. 



Thriller Sound- Miss Frisendar

Thriller Sound

In our opening Thriller scene we would like to include a variety of different sounds as they will emphasis the effect of the tension a thriller film has on the audience especially as we are going to incorporate diegetic and non-diegetic sound which is conventional to Thrillers and the film industry. We have researched into some Thrillers and saw how successful diegetic and non-diegtic sound was in them which influenced us with some sound we chose to use.

     We are going to include diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound throughout out opening scene. An example of diegetic sound the sound of the pill called Perteniam, fizzing in the water when Billy has dropped it into the glass, this is a parallel sound and will effect the audience by raising the intensity levels during this scene, it will also make the audience question who exactly Billy is going to harm, himself? or someone else? Another example of diegetic sound is when Billy is preparing the drink for Evie with the pill in it we are going to include the sound of a clock ticking. This should have an effect on the audience by showing them the passing of time in his mind. Also by this time the audience would have seen Billys Doctors report in our opening credits which notifies them that he has schizophrenia and is dangerous which will create a high level of suspense within the audience as they will now know he is plotting something bad in his mind. Another aspect of diegetic sound we will be using is the crunching of leaves during the chasing shot between Billy and Evie in the forest scene, we would like to use the sound of breathing along side with heavy breathing to support the fact that the characters are running, in addition to this the use of heavy breathing during the chasing scene in the nightmare connotes that the atmosphere during this shot is chaotic and this is a thriller convention and therefore has a sense that something bad may happen which creates a suspension within the audience. 
Finally, we are going to use a sound of a heartbeat at the beginning of the scene of the nightmare where we see Billy standing still looking straight towards the camera holding a knife to show the audience he is worried as to what he is actually going to do, but also the heartbeat could represent both Evie and Billys heart in the same rhythm as they're in the same nightmare and could be showing us their reaction to the nightmare before we go to the flashback. 

Another style of sound we will be using during our opening scene is some use of dialogue it will be when Billy is sitting on Evies bed and giving her the drink with the pill in it as he says it will make her feel better before she goes to sleep. 

There will be a use of non-diegetic sound during our soundtrack which we have yet decided to choose but we have been experimenting with sounds on the internet. We used '' for our sound throughout our Thriller, we found this website very helpful and had a wide range of different sounds that were good use to us. Weused these sounds for the footsteps when running through the forest. We also used garage band for our soundtrack during the beginning credits.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Film Schedule- Miss Georgiou

Film Schedule

A filming schedule is imperative to create before filming. This is because you have to consider the elements of the film before actually producing it. We had to consider each shot individually as shown in our storyboards as well as the time it would take to set up each shot and instruct the actors. Above is the film schedule we produced before the process. We included what the shot consisted of, date of which we filmed, the location, the action of shot, costume worn, hair style, make-up worn, necessary iconography, personnel and finally the equipment needed.

During the filming process, we only referred to our schedule a few times. This is because we wanted to follow the flow of the natural ideas that occurred to us. We changed a few shots to suit the conventions of thrillers for example we shot a close-up of Billy’s face whilst stirring the pill rather than a mid-shot to display his sadistic nature; this was because we thought a close up would have more of an effect on the audience as they can see the characters facial expression more clearly and could guess what may happen therefore could feel empathetic towards them.  

Sunday 2 December 2012

Group Storyboard- Miss Georgiou

Group Storyboard

When coming up with our idea of our Thriller opening, each member in my group created their own individual storyboards which portrayed their ideas for what they would like to be included in our Thriller opening scene. We then discussed as a group and presented our ideas together and chose the best parts of our storyboards ideas to create a final group storyboard. We decided together the certain shots that we believed would create the best effect for that certain scene once put together with all the other elements of our opening. For example we would include high angle shots to portray the antagonist has a higher authority as it is a Thriller convention and therefore would have an affect on the audience.
From our group storyboard it has allowed us to have full understanding  of what we want to achieve when we film our thriller opening. We also, feel a lot more prepared now we have a storyboard, because we have something to follow and refer to during the filming production including what camera shots we want to use and in what scene/location.

Our storyboards and narrative theory are conventional to a Thriller film as they both include the generic conventions in what make a Thriller film effective. In both we have included low-key lighting which creates an eerie effect and shows shadows which create a high level of tension within the audience throughout their experience when watching the film, also the use of diegetic sound we are planning to include is going to create a tense atmosphere as well within the audience as we are going to use a lot of screaming and heavy breathing during the running scenes of the nightmare, the heavy breathing also connotes the fact that there is a chaotic atmosphere during this scene.