Tuesday 12 February 2013

Meeting Discussion

Meeting Discussions

To be done by
By whom
Review individual storyboards
Whole Group
Discuss ideas and concepts that group members have, reflect on the ideas and then create a group storyboard
Planning the cinematography
Whole Group
Our whole group discussed the cinematography we wished
Create group storyboard
Danniella Moulton
Merge group ideas together to create our final group storyboard
Write opening scene narration
Emma and Daisy
Me and Daisy discussed what to include in our opening scene narration and then wrote it up

Character Representation
Emma, Danniella, Daisy
We all discussed how we would like the characters to be seen by our audience. This is vital to peoples understandings of the characters background and personalities
Mise en Scene plan

Daisy, Emma and   Danniella
Before filming, we discussed where we would like our iconography to be placed and what effect it would have on the audience. Also, how the lighting will effect the film and the atmosphere created. We also talked about what we would like our characters to wear in aim to follow their representation.
Film Schedule

Daisy, Emma and Danniella
We planned our film schedule carefully in order to follow a precise plan of each shot and location to do.
Risk Assessment

Daisy, Emma and Danniella
A risk assessment was created to follow during our filming process. This is to measure the safety of people involved.

Daisy, Emma and Danniella
We imported our footage into Final Cut Express and edited it together using transitions and effects.
Searching for sound

Daisy, Emma and Danniella
We searched through the website freesound.org to find relevant sound that we could include in our thriller.
Creating credits

Daisy, Emma and Danniella
We decided upon a font to use for our credits and then created them on Final Cut Express and arranged them where we anticipated.
Audience Feedback

Daisy, Emma and Danniella
We screened our thriller film to our target audience and received positive and negative feedback.

Creating a meeting discussions table was important as my group could record everything we discussed about each action we wanted to carry out throughout our time creating out Thriller opening. Making this table allowed us to be organised so that the information was available if we needed to refer back to it at any time.
I think myself, Emma and Daisy worked well as a team as we were all aware of what we anticipated from our thriller film and we all had a rough idea of the final outcome we individually wanted. We all worked well together as we all gave our opinion and ideas when it was needed and we worked together as a group except when it came to complete the Opening Scene Narration in which Emma and Daisy done and I completed the group storyboard. This is because as a group we believed Emma and Daisy were more able to write the opening scene whereas we decided that I would be most successful with creating the group storyboard, as I am more artistic. 

Monday 11 February 2013

Audience Feedback- Miss Georgiou

Audience Feedback 

Audience feedback is essential to carry out to see how successful our Thriller film is and if it appeals to out target audience of 15+. From the feedback we can also find out what exactly was successful and what we could improve on for future reference. We screened our production  to a classroom to our target audience of boys and girls of whom are 15+ where we received both some negative and positive feedback in which we shall take on board for if we next make a Thriller production. We then uploaded it to Youtube so we could get more feedback from a wider range of audiences and we also got different opinions from different ages.  This helped us out a lot so we know where we were successful and what points we should focus on more in the future. These are some of the feedback we got from the students in the class.

  • "The transitions and effects used were effective as it informed me that a nightmare was taking place” – Jackie Jarvis
  • “The use of low-key lighting is successful as it defines the thriller genre” – Drew Wyllie
  • “I don't think the ending flowed well with the quality of the rest of the film” - Kai Tyler
  • “There should of been a clear transition when it changed from the shot of the girls face to the nightmare” – Caroline Cheung

If I had an opportunity to do the production again I would make sure we followed the film schedule which we completed before we started to film, I would also like to be more involved in the editing process now that I have an idea of how to do so, finally as I know from the feedback I would use clearer transitions from different locations so the audience are clear its a different scene. I am pleased with the final outcome of our Thriller opening as I believe it includes the basic codes and generic conventions that a Thriller film should include to be a success.